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What do you think about the fashion system in the 90s and today? How has social media affected it?

Social media has changed the world. It's only a difference. Yesterday I did a photo shoot for a magazine and in many ways, it was the same as before. You have a photographer there, you're getting your hair and make-up done, and someone gives you some beautiful clothes. My kids have this experience. This other digital platform is also a big pressure, I think. It's still there. It won't go anywhere. We're all in it together. For the younger children, I think it's easier for them because they don't remember what it was before. For them, it is more like second nature. It's like having a full-time career. It's like having a pet that needs to be fed all the time. It's a great way to reduce downtime. It's also faster for my daughter. I could have done a magazine or TV cover and someone might like me, but then they would have to wait a month. Now, it's like, everywhere. Like the Versace show that I did.trustytimenoob.com It literally took over Instagram. It was insane for two days. They were clever. This was a clever thing to do. This new media is taking over the old advertising, and everyone is trying to figure out how to make it work.

What has changed in your tastes for watches? What attracted you 22 compared to now?

That's interesting. My first watch I ever owned was a Swatch. It was the jelly watch. Remember the clear one? At that time, as a young girl, I followed trends a lot. I followed the trends and didn't trust my own taste. After working for Zenith Replica Watches so many years, I have learned to appreciate both the quality and what is inside a timepiece. I have always worn jeans, t-shirts, and a black gown. When you are around clothes every day, and when I am not modelling, it's just easier to wear something simple. I have probably 4 or 5 watches I wear often. One of them has a rose gold and stainless steel bracelet, which is more convenient to wear everyday. The Ladymatic with diamonds and gold is more suitable for evening wear. It depends on what I am doing and my mood. You can have different pairs, just like you do with shoes. You can wear sneakers one day and stilettos the next.

What is the meaning of a watch to you and how do you relate to time today?

Let's start with the second thing, which is I am a punctual and organised person. I believe Zenith Replica Watches loves me for this. I am a very busy person, but I manage to do everything by sticking to my schedule. When I started wearing a wristwatch, it was a necessity. There were no phones.Rolex Day Date Replica No one wears a watch anymore. It's an accessory. It's an accessory, but I think it makes a statement. Certain pieces make a bigger statement. The clothes we wear are interchangeable, but a watch says something about us. What do I want to convey when I wear different watches?

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